
2017 CAAPA(China association of amusement park)TEA專題討論會現場

躍獅總裁吳菊女士於2017 CAAPA(China association of amusement park)的TEA專題討論會現場
討論議題囊括中國主題樂園的改變趨勢、在地化經營等精彩內容,共同訪談人有北京環球影城總裁Paul Osterhout、TEA國際委員會總監 Ms. Traci Klainer、萬達集團創意總監Mr. Ron James以及TEA亞太區總裁 Mr.Thomas Megna。
Ms. Jill Wu, President of YAOX Edutainment Company has attended TEA Panel Discussion 2017 as a panelist in the afternoon of Mar. 18th, 2017. Had great discussions on topics like changes, trend of China's themed entertainment market as well as experiences in localization. Other panelists include Mr. Paul Osterhout, VP of Universal Studios Beijing, Ms. Traci Klainer, VP of Executive Director of TEA International Committee, Mr. Ron James, Chief Creative Director of Wanda. The panel was moderated by Mr. Thomas Megna, president of TEA Asia Pacific.

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